Wednesday, September 28, 2005

First day back at work, ok, so it was a few hours

Today was the first time I went back to MPOW after the hurricane. I was so glad to see everybody made it back and seemed mostly ok. After putting my desk back in order (I had cleared it since my desk is next to a window), I was greeted by the director. I then got about the task of putting some order back to the chaos. As Instruction Librarian, I coordinate the instructional services, and we lost a lot of BI sessions from the campus closing and the hurricane emergency. My afternoon was spent rescheduling classes and sending out e-mails to professors. For the most part, I simply moved classes to next week or the week after if possible, then suggested dates for their approval. Seems to be working as I got at least two replies approving my suggestions. By the time I left today (it was only a half day, and students are not back until tomorrow), I managed to account for all the classes. I will admit I am a bit anxious. We open for the students tomorrow, and I have to teach two classes in the evening, per the instructor's request to reschedule for tomorrow from last week. It means unless I hear otherwise I will be teaching. It is not the teaching itself; I could not be happier than when I am teaching a class. I just want to know the students are ok. I just want to actually see them come back, and I want to be ready and enthusiastic even if my nerves are still a bit frazzled. Well, better than yesterday for sure. Last night was the first full sleep I had since Rita came over. From now on the only Rita I want to see is one that comes in a salt rimmed glass. In a way, I suppose I want things to be the same, but I know we are all different from the ordeal, some more than others. So, you know what? I am going to do what I always tell others I do: I am embracing the chaos and moving ahead. It's good to be back.

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