Friday, July 14, 2006

I should be living in "La Madre Patria"

Going with the tendency to amuse myself with these little quizzes, here is one of what country I should be living in. Anyhow, it's Friday, so odds are. . .you get the idea. Somehow, I am not too surprised Spain was my result this time. I do like fine foods (ok, not too fine), and I certainly like beautiful scenery (is that not what being itinerant is about?). So, olé, and go find out where you should be living yourself.

Which country should you REALLY be living in?


Usted es el español! You have a passion for fine foods and beautiful scenery - as well as feeling a great love for your country and fellow citizens. You wish to remain independent in a world which is hard to stand out, and you are doing it well. Ibravo!

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

A hat tip to the Library Tavern.

And since it is Spain, a little song and poetry to go along.

"Olé, con olé y con olé,
déjenla que baile sola,
que es la más bonita estampa,
la bailarina española"

-Jose Martí, "La Bailarina Española"

"Granada, tierra soñada por mi,
mi cantar se vuelve gitano cuando es para tí.
Mi cantar es de fantasía,
Mi cantar, flor de melancolía,
que vengo a dar.

Granada, tierra ensangrentada en tardes de toros.
Mujer que conserva el embrujo de los ojos moros,
de sueño rebelde y gitana cubierta de flores,
y beso tu boca de grana
jugosa manzana que me habla de amores.

Granada manola cantada
en coplas preciosas,
no tengo otra cosa que darte
que un ramo de rosas,
de rosas de suave fragancia
que le dieran marco a la Virgen Morena.

Granada, tu tierra esta llena
de lindas mujeres, de sangre y de sol."

-"Granada", by Agustín Lara.

And for our non-Spanish reading friends. The translations are mine:

"Ole, ole and ole,
let her dance
for it is a most beautiful image,
the Spanish [flamenco] dancer. "

* * * *
"Granada, land of my dreams.
My song becomes a gypsy song when it is for you.
My song is one of fantasy,
a flower of melancholy,
that I come to offer you.

Granada, land drenched in the blood of bullfight afternoons,
A woman that preserves the witchcraft of moorish eyes,
of rebellious dream and gypsy covered in flowers,
and I kiss your deep red mouth,
a delicious apple that speaks to me of love.

Granada, a maiden sung
in precious couplets,
I have nothing to offer but you
but a bunch of roses,
roses of soft fragrance
that would frame the dark Virgin.

Granada, your land is filled
with beautiful women, blood and sun."

Some notes: I used the word "witchcraft" above as it is the literal translation of "embrujo," which could also mean a spell or even a hex. Another possible word choice could be charm. However, embrujo can be a powerful word in Spanish romantic lyrics, so I went with the more literal choice. The word "grana" actually means "red;" I had to look it up. I also had to look up "manola," which according to the dictionary is a word for people from the popular class who wore very distinctive clothes and were very passionate. For the song's context, it would be a young maiden. It is an old word, late 18th, early 19th century. I used the Diccionario del Estudiante of the Real Academia Española.


Anonymous said...

Really like your translation of Granada. Muchas gracias.

A. Rivera said...

Well, thank you, and thanks for stopping by.

Best, and keep on blogging.