Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Go ahead and buy that paper, the state sponsors it

This little piece of news is definitely to file under "just when I thought I had seen it all. . . ." From the Education Wonks, who is holding the Carnival of Education Week 37, an item about plagiarism and schools. Apparently, if you are a school student in Rhode Island, and you forgot or plain did not write a paper you had assigned, the state has help for you. Under their homework help page, they have a prominent link for (no, I am not linking to it), a well known paper mill where you can buy papers online for about $9.00. And then we wonder why they don't do as well when they get to college. I have to wonder if the folks from the state of Rhode Island who run that site actually checked out what is, or if they just linked to it because it sounded good. True, the mill site claims to provide help with ideas for writing a paper and other assistance, but it provides links and places to buy papers on various topics in a very prominent way.

By the way, for readers interested in education topics, Education Wonks hosts this excellent carnival, which is well worth a look. I highly recommend it.

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