Friday, February 28, 2014

Booknote: Dejah Thoris and the Green Men of Mars, Vol. 1

Mark Rahner, Dejah Thoris and the Green Men of Mars, Vol. 1. Mount Laurel: Dynamite Entertainment, 2014. ISBN: 9781606904732

Written by Mark Rahner and illustrated by Lui Antonio, this is a story based on the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. You may know Rice Burroughs from Tarzan or from his John Carter of Mars series. This book falls in the latter milieu. In this story, John Carter is together with princes Dejah Thoris of the kingdom of Helium. There is a fragile and uneasy peace in place between Helium and Thark. When the princess is kidnapped by the Tharks, will it be war all over again?

The story was OK to me. Dejah is kidnapped by an old nemesis, Voros, who is catering to some Tharks' old taste: the taste of Helium women's flesh. It is a nightmarish situation. It is also a story that is a bit rushed at times. It does maintain a bit of the pulp feeling that the works of Rice Burroughs had.

The best part of this comic, and probably the real reason to pick it up is the art. Antonio can sure draw some very hot females and bring to life the pulp adventure feel of the story. Visually, this comic is very good. In addition, the collection features a risqué cover gallery with works by Antonio and other artists. 

Overall, I am giving it 3 out of 5 stars. I did like it, but it was mainly due to the art. The story is entertaining, but after a steady start, it simply rushes on and seems a bit too easy. I will note this is part of a series, and I do like it enough that I would seek out the rest of the series. Fans of pulp fiction in the old school of Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and similar writers will probably like this. For libraries, I would consider this very optional. Get it if patrons ask for it, but otherwise, optional.

Disclosure note: This is where I get to tell you that I read this as an e-book review copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated otherwise. There, we have appeased The Man once more.

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