Friday, September 22, 2017

Booknote: The Fountain Tarot (Guidebook)

Jason Gruhl, The Fountain Tarot (guidebook). Boulder, CO: Roost Books, 2017. ISBN: 9781611805482. 

Genre: nonfiction
Subgenre: Tarot, divination
Format: e-galley
Source: NetGalley

This is going to be a short review since the publisher did not provide much. While I was not expecting a copy of the deck or such, I was hoping for a bit more than what is in essence a "little white book." So this review will be short.

This is pretty much the guidebook that the publisher includes with the deck. Upon reading it, I was not terribly impressed. The book looks like any other Tarot guidebook I have read, and the meanings are fairly basic and conventional. In other words, I fail to see from the book how this deck and/or its guidebook would distinguish itself from other decks out there or their guidebook. Since they only provided the book via NetGalley without any art or illustrations to go by, I cannot judge anything other than the text provided, and on that basis, I simply cannot recommend this book.

I will note that I have seen images of the deck, and they look pretty good. But as I noted, the only artifact provided was an electronic copy of the guidebook's text, and to be honest, it is pretty lackluster.

1 out of 5 stars.

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