Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Review: What Were We Thinking

Carlos Lozada, What were we thinking: a brief intellectual history of the Trump era. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2020. ISBN: 9781982145620.

Genre: U.S. politics, Trump presidency
Subgenre: books and reading
Format: hardcover
Source: Hutchins Library, Berea College


Up front I will admit that given the 2016 presidential election, "we" were not thinking much if at all. With that out of the way let's look at this book that claims to be "a brief intellectual history of the Trump era." Here again I wonder. Is it brief because not much intellectual was going on at the time? Or is it because the author kept it short for our sakes? I will let readers decide that one.

Carlos Lozada, by his own admission, has a dream job. He gets paid by The Washington Post to read and review books. I also dream of getting paid to review books though not necessarily by The Washington Post. For me, it would be nice if some small local, maybe regional outfit offered me a reviewing gig. Oh well, a blogger and writer can dream. Anyhow, Lozada pitches the idea of reading a good amount of the books published as Trump came to power, and he got approval. Lozada went on to read 150 books, and as he states, "that is just a fraction of the Trump canon" (2). This book is the result of that effort. 

Lozada takes a pretty broad look at the books written in and about the Trump era. These are not only books about the man. In ten chapters, we get a look at books on various topics such as:

  • "Heartlandia," which boils down to journalists doing the "white safari" to see what those wholesome folks think at the local diner. 
  • The "conservative pivot," trying to explain conservatives and they they stuck with Trump or opposed him. 
  • Author even reads on topics like the wall and Russian influence. 

For each chapter, Lozada provides a narrative where he highlights and discusses the books he read on a specific topic.  He often compares and contrasts the books he read. At times, it feels like he puts the books in conversation, a strength of the book. He also evaluates them so you get a sense which books may be worth reading and which you can avoid. 

One reason I wanted to read this book is my self-imposed moratorium on politics/social issues/activist material and texts. Prior to 2016, I would often read in those areas. 2016 happened, and I decided I needed a serious break. Thus I missed reading some of the books Lozada discusses. I do not regret that. However, this book has served as a bit of a primer on what was being written before and during the Trump era. Some issues discussed I do recall from other media and reviews. As I said, as a librarian I cannot fully tune out. Still, this book helped me fill some gaps in my knowledge, and it reminded me also of things I had seen and heard in the media. For me, this was a useful reading. 

Overall, the book feels a bit like a time capsule looking at the books and ideas those books presented related to Trump and his time. Like those books, chapters in this book vary in how interesting or not they may be. Every chapter ends with a bibliography of books discussed in case you want to find any of them to read. The author ends the book with an epilogue suggesting twelve books that he says helped him make sense of those times. 

The book can be of interest to readers in history and political science. For librarians wanting an overview of the books of the time, whether for learning or collection development, it may be of interest too. I recommend it for academic libraries, especially those with strong political science programs. Larger public libraries may consider it; for small libraries this may be optional depending on local interest. 

In the end, I liked it. Most of it is interesting, but some parts are better than others. So for me not always consistent. Still glad to have read it, and I would still suggest it in reader's advisory. 

3 out 5 stars. 

Additional reading notes: 

An irony: 

"One of the ironies of our time is that a man who rarely reads, preferring the rage of cable news and Twitter for hours each day, has propelled an onslaught of book-length writing about his presidency" (2). 

So, what kind of books came out of this era?

"Dissections of white working class. Manifestos of political resistance. Works on gender and identity. Histories and memoirs of race and protest. Surveys of populism, authoritarianism, and anger. Investigations of political extremism. Polemics on the future of left and right. Debates and proposals on immigration. Studies on the institution of the presidency and the fate of democracy. And, of course, plenty of books about Trump himself-- his values, his family, his businesses, and his White House" (2). 

The man basically created a lot of writing and related jobs for authors, editors, fact checkers, etc. You got admit, he helped a good part of the book business stay employed. 

What the author wishes to preserve: 

"My own concern is not how we got here, but how we thought here. I'm not interested in identifying that one book from decades ago that supposedly saw it all coming. I focus on the books and debates of this moment-- from the heartland to the border, from the resistance on the left to the civil war on the right, from the battles over truth to the fears about democracy-- not out of some misplaced now-more-than-everism but to preserve a snapshot of how we grappled with the Trump era in real time. I want to remember what I thought about it, too" (5). 

The book for me did bring back memories as well of what I thought at the time. For example, the whole fuss over JD Vance's book. I live on the edge of Appalachia. I am surrounded by natives of the region and plenty of scholars who study the region. They do not look on Vance kindly to put it mildly, and they will all be happy to suggest better and more authentic books about Appalachia and written by actual Appalachians. I remember the college and other colleges nearby doing talks, workshops, teach-ins to counter Vance's privileged narrative. And I do remember our library ordering some more books of regional interest. This is just one example. 

There were plenty of other topics and issues to consider at the time. It could get overwhelming at times, and that led to my reading and materials moratorium. The moratorium was never perfect, but helped me maintain my mental health and peace of mind. And before any weaponized activist dares to whine "how dare you tune out?" or similar, I'll say that me burned out, angry, and headed for a stress breakdown would not have served anyone. Self care, for me at least, is essential. You can't help others if you don't care for yourself. 

Yes, it is racism, but it is also serious selfishness: 

"White working-class men, worried that specific government programs help immigrants or gang members or welfare recipients, decide they'd rather forgo benefits themselves than share them with so many undesirables" (20). 

In Spanish, dad used to call that "el perro de Jalisco que ni come ni deja comer (Translation: "they are like Jalisco's dog that neither eats nor let's anyone else eat." I have no idea why the dog had to be from Jalisco.). The context of the quote above is the author discussing Jonathan Metzl's book Dying in Whiteness. I can attest to that racist and selfish attitude of so many Americans; I've lived in the U.S. for what at times feels like way too long. The more I see that selfishness the less regard I have for gringos. 

On the genre of resistance writing: 

"There is optimism, determination, insight and even beauty in the resistance writings. Just as often, there is exclusion, self-righteousness, and opportunism-- responses that can limit the power and appeal of a political project in search of allies to counter a dangerous and reckless opponent. The resistance literature looks inward, its impassioned calls for solidarity aimed at those already inclined to agree" (36). 

That is another reason I cut back on reading and consuming media of politics/social issues/activist stuff. After a while I got tired of the preaching to the choir. The works in the resistance genre did not seem interested in reaching beyond their in-group. 

The three varieties of conservatives in the Trump era: 

"First, there are the sycophants, who through a lack of options, imagination, or shame embraced the new order and relentlessly justified that decision. Next are the Never Trump conservatives, those who declared their opposition to Trump right away and have held fast to a vision of conservatism that they hope endures no matter its dwindling power and adherents. Then there are the pro-Trump conservative intellectuals, those seeking to retrofit an ideological framework onto the whims of a man whose positions show few organizing principles beyond self-interest and self-regard" (54). 

Hell will freeze over before this happens: 

"Nonetheless, he contends that Trumpism will someday seem a temporary aberration, as long as Republicans can--deep breath here-- purge the conspiracy theorists, recruit ethnically diverse candidates, impose strict ethics rules for Congress, kill off crony capitalism, respect the Constitution, reduce the size of government, and uphold the rule of law. Oh, and stop hating" (166). 

As the kids might say: LMAO. Quote context is the author discussing Rick Wilson's book Everything Trump Touches Dies. Apparently Rick Wilson really is a funny guy. Again, LMAO. 

How immigration is often defined in the United States. This quote really stayed with me, and it makes perfect sense when you think about it: 

"Immigration fights are often reduced to a cost-benefit calculation, as if the worth of human beings were a matter of weighing the contributions they are likely to make against the expenditures they might cause-- with those ending on the plus side becoming the lucky winners who gain entry" (89). 


If you wonder how Trump gets away with lying, here are his 5 steps of lying: 

"First, 'stake a claim,' meaning own a political issue that others prefer not to touch. Second, 'advance and deny'-- that is, put the lie out there without claiming responsibility for it (This is Trump's someone should look into it phase.) Third, 'create suspense' by promising evidence that never materializes. Fourth, 'discredit the opponent' by attacking the character and motives of anyone challenging the lie, thus rendering the matter controversial even when the truth is anything but. And fifth, claim a win, no matter what" (106). 

By the way, a lot of Party of Stupid adherents use this method, and the press and media, instead of doing their fucking jobs of calling out the bullshit, go right along with it. 

There is more to the "death-of-democracy" idea than just Trump, and those writing about it need to do better: 

"Trump may be the muse of the death-of-democracy bookshelf, but it is not a distinction he carries alone. Degraded norms and disenfranchised voters, Chinese ambition and Russian revanchism, unprincipled political parties and unequal administration of justice-- these are among the many maladies of democracy in our age. The scholars and analysts writing such books are, so far, better at diagnosing ailments than proposing treatments. It is almost as if, daunted by the scale of the problem, they have downsized their designs, as though our democracy is now so weakened that even mild medicine might prove too taxing" (218). 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Deck Review: Tarot of Dragons

Shawn McKenzie (author) and Firat Solhan (illustrator), Tarot of Dragons. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2022. ISBN: 9780738766294. (link to publisher)

The High Priestess-II

I first used this deck in August 2024. I've been wanting a good dragon deck for a while now, and this one works for me quite well. This deck kit comes in a large box, the style Llewellyn favors lately, with a full sized companion book and the 78-card deck. 

Shawn McKenzie writes the companion book, Wisdom from the Dragon Realm. They have written other books such as The Dragon Keeper's Handbook (link to WorldCat). The companion book is arranged as follows: 

  • Introduction. The author introduces the deck's concept and describes briefly the connection between dragons and Tarot. We learn the deck still falls within the Rider Waite Smith (RWS) tradition. 
  • Chapter I: A Brief History of Tarot. We get a brief historical overview of Tarot and how it developed over time. 
  • Chapter II: The Journey Begins. This chapter goes over some basics such as acquiring a deck and how to care for it. It also goes over the question of whether to invert or not (using reversed cards). The author favors not doing it, and so do I, but leaves it up each reader to decide. For me, as I've stated before, I can usually sense if a reversed meaning is applicable in a reading without using inverted cards. 
  • Chapter III: The Major Arcana. After a brief introduction to the Major Arcana, we get the card entries. Each entry gets a full color picture of the card image. You get two text paragraphs that describe the card and go over the card meanings and symbols. 
  • Chapter IV: The Minor Arcana. We get a brief introduction to the Minor Arcana including some notes on what numbers and courts mean. Each suit then gets a brief introduction. Card entries feature the full card image. Text is shorter, but still describes the card and goes over meaning and symbols. Court cards are included with each suit. 
  • Chapter V: Working with Dragons. This includes four spreads, including two dragon themed spreads. 
  • Chapter VI: Journey Without End. This is the conclusion. It offers a nice encouraging note to continue your journey with dragons and the cards. 

The book is an easy read. The text really draws you into the dragon's world. It is informative without enough details for readers. For those who believe in dragons, this book along with the deck can be a springboard to deepen your dragon studies. If you are here for the art, the book provides enough information. On reading the text along with the cards you get an immersive experience. 

Page of Wands
Firat Solhan illustrates the deck. Their art brings the various dragons to life. You get a variety of dragon types throughout the deck. The art is bright, colorful, and rich in detail. If you read in RWS, you should be able to read this deck well. The art is rich enough for intuitives too. I like the detail and brightness; they give the deck a nice positive vibe. The dragon colors do reflect the Minor Arcana suits, which can be helpful for learners starting out. I do enjoy looking at the art and meditating on it. It does bring the dragons to life. 

The cards are borderless. A small like of text identifies each card unobtrusively.  Cards have a soft glossy finish, but they shuffle well enough. It is a Llewellyn deck, so it has their typical thin card stock. The card back is reversible. The cards measure about  4 1/2 inches by 2 3/4 inches. 

If you are into dragons, this deck is for you. I enjoyed using it immensely, and for me, it helped me get a bit closer to dragons. As I rotate decks for a new month, I know I will miss this one. I do hope to get back to it soon. For me this one is now among my top favorites. It can work for beginners, though I think it may be better for readers intermediate and up. In the end, I highly recommend it, and it is one I would back up. Glad to have it in my collection. 

5 out of 5 stars

This kit qualifies for the following 2024 Reading Challenges: 


Friday, October 11, 2024

Book Review: War Made Invisible

Norman Solomon, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine. New York: The New Press, 2023.  

Genre: current affairs, military history
Subgenre: political science, United States policy, economics
Format: hardcover
Source: Hutchins Library, Berea College
"What a thing it is to have a country that can't be wrong, but if it is, is right anyway!" --William Dean Howells in his short story "Editha" (quoted by Solomon in 117). 

This book provides detail on how the United States stays in a constant state of war, yet most U.S. citizens have no idea. The United States Government uses propaganda, subterfuge, and manipulation to keep most of the populace in the dark. The American press and media are fully complicit in this deception.

The book is arranged into nine chapters plus an introduction and notes. The notes show the book is very well documented. Chapter topics include humane wars, which are anything except humane, and the real costs of war and who really benefits. 

What are some things we learn from this book? The U.S. maintains a constant state of warfare, but it avoids calling it that. If you wonder why the United States can't or rather won't fund things like health care and education, it's because they keep dumping money on warfare. Before you start pointing fingers, both American political parties actively do it. President Obama may have won the Nobel Peace Prize, but he did his active part to keep American warfare alive. So did President Trump, and so does President Biden. As the author writes, 

"In Washington, most elected Democrats join with Republicans in striving to paper over the true costs-- individual, social, economic, environmental-- of wars that they keep voting to fund" (161).

We learn that the American press is fully complicit in this process. Major networks and newspapers go along with whatever line the Pentagon and the administration offer. Any reporter daring to question that narrative will find themselves out of a job soon. Promoting patriotism and jingoism brings in ratings, advertising revenue, and good business. Both conservative and liberal networks stay within the lines. The author adds, 

"The business of war and the business of news are thoroughly intertwined, and-- no matter what political churn or corporate consolidation occurs-- the essence of a military-industrial-media complex is structured to be resolute in retaining and wielding its power" (76).

We also learn how defense industries and contractors get the most benefit. The United States could create and encourage jobs in more constructive endeavors, but it chooses to keep funding war industries. It helps those industries that they have good lobbyists and plenty of money for political bribes, oops, donations. It also helps that most Americans don't really question this system, and for the most part believe in the nobility of their military. For the record, that military is far from noble and certainly not well intentioned. 

The book mainly stays within the late 20th Century and into the 21st Century. Naturally, the role of 9/11 in ramping up the American war machine is prominent, but the United States was already deep in constant warfare well enough before 9/11.The narrative in the book is not fully linear; the author often jumps back and forth in time. Transitions between time periods are not always smooth, so the reading pace is not always easy. Despite that, if the topic interests you then this can be an interesting book. The book may be revealing to those folks who never question the United States and its military machine if they are willing to learn what is really going on. 

Overall, this is a necessary book that more people should read, but as often the case in the United States they probably won't read. One thing it does well is answer the question of where the United States and its people choose to put their money, and it's on warfare. The military industrial complex is very much alive, well, and wealthy in the United States. Not an easy read at times, but I really liked it. 

I recommend the book for public and academic libraries. Classes in political science may want to consider adding it to their reading lists. It is mostly well written and accessible.  

4 out of 5 stars. 

Additional reading notes: 

What is necessary for perpetual war: 

"Patterns of convenient silence and deceptive messaging are as necessary for perpetual war as the Pentagon's bombs and missiles-- patterns so familiar that they are apt to seem normal, even natural" (15).

Book mentioned in this book that may be of interest: 


 If a lot of the book sounds Orwellian, it's because it is. As I read this book I found myself recalling passages from the novel 1984 such as those explaining the need for a constant state of warfare. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Book Review: Avoiding the News

Benjamin Toff, Ruth Palmer, and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Avoiding the news: reluctant audiences for journalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2024. ISBN: 9780231205191. 

Genre: news and journalism
Subgenre: studies, case study, surveys
Format: trade paperback
Source: Hutchins Library, Berea College 


In these Hard Times I am sure many people avoid the news for a variety of reasons. I certainly limit my exposure, though I cannot completely avoid news due to my line of work. I cannot afford not to be informed. This this book caught my eye. The book looks at book avoidance and includes interviews with people in three countries to learn why they avoid the news. The authors' study focuses on the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain. The book features seven chapters and three appendices that include the interview protocols. As the authors write, "this book is about people who avoid news not from time to time but all the time" (2). All the time is defined as consuming news less than once a month or never. To the authors, taking a break now and then can be good. Those who avoid news altogether and do so consistently are problematic. 

The book's central argument is: 

"But our central argument in this book is that who people are, what the believe, and how they access news-- all that they bring with them before even considering a particular news source on its own merits-- often shape news avoidance just as much as or even more than news content. This is the oyster problem" (18).

Among the things we learn is that not everyone avoids the news because they want to. Some avoid the news out of necessity, or there may be more pressing matters besides keeping up with the news. Also news avoidance can be seriously classist. Minorities and low income folks are more likely to be news avoiders. 

The authors rely on three major concepts in their study: identities, ideologies, and infrastructures. Identity is defined as social identity, "the aspects of who people are that are shaped by the different groups to which they belong" (76). This is where things like socialization to news can come in. Ideologies here refers mainly to political ideologies; in the U.S. that pretty much means one of the two parties in the political duopoly. This also includes how empowered or not people feel within their political systems. Finally, infrastructures includes digital platforms like social media as well as "legacy" media like radio, television, and news. 

The book is well documented and features various charts and graphs to reinforce the authors' points. For me, the most interesting part is the individual interviews. People have a variety of reasons to avoid news. Some do it intentionally. Others may just not have the time or energy to keep up with news, or were not socialized into seeing news as important. One issue that bothered me is the authors mentioning people create narratives to explain their avoidance; there is a sort of condescending undertone when they bring up the concept, as if they are judging their subjects and finding them wanting. Note that for balance the authors also interviewed news lovers. The study was conducted between 2016 to 2020, with the interviews supplemented with survey data.

For some readers interested in the topic, the book can yield some revelations. I would say more journalists and news media folks need to read this. In the Hard Times when news people are concerned their jobs are shrinking and subscription models, online at least, are hotly debated, it may be eye opening to learn, among other things, that you can give the news away and many would still avoid the news. 

The book pretty much reads like the academic text it is, so this is not really for popular readers. Libraries with strong collections in journalism, media studies, communications, and political science may want to add it to their holdings. For other small academic libraries I'd say it is optional. 

Personally, I would say the book has given me a few things to think about, but I have to say up front I was socialized to news early in life plus I am a librarian. As I mentioned earlier, I cannot afford to fully tune out. I may write a narrative of my relationship to news and how I was socialized into them later on. Anyhow, outside of people with some serious interest in journalism I do not see a big readership for this book. I liked it, but it felt like a chore at times to read it, much like a lot of the news. 

3 out of 5 stars.

Additional reading notes: 

On addressing news avoidance: 

"Addressing news avoidance requires understanding the challenges people face in their daily lives; how they perceive different media as compounding or alleviating those challenges; the ways they go about accessing and selecting sources; and how those sources fit into their understandings of who they are and what they believe in" (4). 


On the perception that "news finds me" 

"We found that the digital natives we interviewed, perhaps even more than being actively turned off by the form or content of news, felt they did not need to dedicate time specifically to consuming news from a news source because they would see it on social media anyways" (33). 

I believe from experience that the above is more than just a perception. Testing that perception may or should be another study because I can assure you that as much as I try to limit news exposure on my social media, including some aggressive filtering, if something is big or urgent it will rise on social media anyhow. I can pretty much guarantee it, and I would bet, if I were a betting man, that I am not the only one. 


Why the issue of news avoidance is significant: 

"News avoidance would be less worrisome if it were simply a matter of personal taste, but information is deeply linked to power and privilege. How well we are able to navigate the systems that shape our lives depends to a large extent on how much we know about how those systems are organized and how empowered we feel to change them. Paying attention to news can provide people with the keys to unlock those systems, but, as we have seen, groups more likely to avoid news consistently also tend to be those that are already relatively disadvantaged" (47). 

 Another question not even considered: quality of sources and who can afford them. While legacy news and other high quality (real or perceived) sources build paywalls and isolate, low quality sources such as listicles, click bait, and rage bait are free of cost and free to roam where the disadvantaged can see them when they have the time. That may be another book or a bunch of pundit essays no one outside of an elite audience may read, assuming they subscribed or still have a free article left for the month. 




Monday, October 07, 2024

Deck Review: Animal Messages Cards

Susie Green, Animal Messages Cards. New York: CICO Books, 2000. Distributed by Simon and Schuster. ISBN:  1-904991-246.

Genre: cartomancy and divination,animals
Subgenre: nature
Format: Kit with 52-card deck and small guide book
Source: I own this one; got it cheap at Half Price Books .


I first used this deck in July 2024. This deck kit is by the same author who did the Bird Messages Oracle Cards (link to my review). I would say if you liked that other deck, you might like this one. I will add up front that the packaging for the Animal Messages Cards is better than the previous deck with a basic box. This kit includes a small companion book of 64 pages and a 52-card deck. 

The book is arranged as follows: 

  • Introduction. Provides a brief look at how people have connected to animals spiritually over time. It also describes the concept of the deck. The author writes, "the purpose of these message cards is to introduce an understanding of the interconnectedness of everything in life, and a realization of the regeneration that recognition brings" (8).
  • Connecting with Animal Spirits. This gives tips and advice for connecting with animal spirits including brief suggestions for connecting in the wild and in the city. 
  • Card groups. The cards are grouped in creatures of the air, arboreal creatures, earth-dwellers, walkers between world, water denizens, and land creatures. The groupings are explained briefly, but some further development of topics could have improved this section. You get the bare basics. 
  • Using the Cards. This goes over how to set an atmosphere for a reading and how to set the mood. 
  • Getting Started. Very brief instructions on actually reading the cards. 
  • Spreads for Divination. You get a 5-card spread. 
  • The Messages. Here are the card entries. Entries feature a small image of the card and a paragraph of description and interpretation. Entries are grouped by the card groups (see above), but this is not apparent right away. This section does not label the cards by groupings, so initially the entries may not seem arranged in a logical order. Perhaps, hear me out, just listing the cards alphabetically might have been more helpful, more so because the cards are not numbered either. The result is that finding the cards in the book for a reading is not easy. The book also lacks a cards' index. Apparently the author and/or publisher are not fans of good indexing. This was also an issue in the other deck. 

The book overall is not very user friendly in terms of accessing the card information. I like the cards, but looking them up in the book can be frustrating since you have to go through the whole book to find a card given the lack of indexing and non-numbered cards. The card information, once you find it, is good, very basic. You get just enough to do a reading and learn a little bit about the animal and its message. 

The cards are the highlight here. You do get a nice variety of animals. The art is colorful. We get some nice paintings that evoke nature. These are all animals in nature; I mean there are no mythological animals or such. The cards include the animal name and card message. The art is detailed. It does not feel very intuitive. The messages are good, and they provide a springboard for reflection and divination. You could use these cards for daily and weekly draws. I used them for weekly draws the first time I used the deck. The messages are mostly positive, so if you want something uplifting this deck works. 

The art is borderless. Cards measure about 4 3/4 inches by 3 inches. The coating is a very soft gloss, and the cards shuffle with ease. Card back art is reversible, though to me it feels a bit cluttered. This is not good card back art, but that is a minor issue for me. In the end, I do really like the cards I just wish the book was better arranged and had a bit more substance. 

3 out of 5 stars. 

This kit qualifies for the following reading challenges: