Thursday, January 22, 2015

Getting scary in 2015: a Horror Reading Challenge

I want to try this challenge because I do have some horror books on my shelf that are part of my TBR pile. Also, there are some things I already read that could fall under horror, so I can count those books as well for this challenge. I am not a huge horror reader, but I do enjoy the genre. I often read things that may not be formally classified as horror, but they have strong horror elements. At any rate, I think I can cross one or two items from other challenges to make this and add one or two more items to reach success and diversify my reading a bit this year.

So, without further ado:

Some of the basics:

  • "This challenge will run from January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015, and you can join at anytime."
  • "Audiobooks, re-reads, short stories, and crossovers are fine." (I need all the help I can get). 

I am going low on this one in terms of commitment. As always, like in other challenges, if I read more, I will upgrade accordingly. So, I am committing to this level:

1-5 horror books: Running Scared

Clearly, if I read one, I am good, but I will try to do a bit more than that at least.  I will post my reading list as I read the books. I will link to reviews posted to the blog as I get them done.

List of books read for this challenge:

  1. Scott Snyder, American Vampire, Volume 5
  2. Kennedy Xu, Daomu.
  3. Scott Snyder, American Vampire, Volume 7.  
  4. Mitzi Szereto, ed., Darker Edge of Desire.  
  5. Ryan Burton,, Dark Engine, Volume 1: The Art of Destruction
  6. Brian Keene, Castaways.  
  7. Steve Niles and Damien Worm, October Faction, Volume 1
  8.  Z. Rider, Insylum
  9. Corina Sara Bechko, Heathentown.  
  10. Elaine Lee, Vamps

Update Note: Initial challenge completed 9/23/15. As I have read 9 books, I am upgrading level to:

Brave Reader = 6-10 books read and reviewed.

With Halloween coming up, I think I can make it to 10 books.

Update Note (12/31/15): With Vamps, I complete the challenge upgrade in full of 10 books read. 

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I'm glad you joined! Good luck with your goals :)

Tracy @ Cornerfolds