Wednesday, December 19, 2007

First Sentences in 2007

Yes, this is one of those memes people put around, and I fall for them. Anyhow, I picked this one up via Ruminations. The rule is simple: pick the first sentence of the first post/journal entry for each month. While I do have an "old school" journal (also known as paper), I will be using the blog for this. Since I have more than one blog, I will use this one (probably more fun anyways). Anything in parenthesis is me adding to the meme. Any links came with the sentence.

January: Today is my first day of work for the spring semester after the holiday break.

February: I got tagged for this by CW at Ruminations. (yes, it was a meme. Detect a theme here?)

March: Here is a study on reporting that "For College Students, Political Labels Don’t Always Reflect Attitudes on Social Issues or Religious Beliefs."

Once in a blue moon, the family will go out for a meal at one of those "casual dining" establishments.

May: Just when I thought I had seen everything, here comes beer jello from Japan.

June: Well, I can certainly use some more energy as of late.

July: Recently, Houghton-Mifflin, makers of the American Heritage dictionaries, released a list of 100 words every high school graduate should know.

August: I finally finished reading Fast Food Nation.

September: This list of "Useful Things College Taught Me," from the site The Best Article Every Day, should probably be taken with a grain of salt.

October: As my readers know, I moved to Tyler recently due to my new job.

November: For a long time, I lived happily without a cell phone.

December: This is certainly a ridiculous item.

A simple and playful way to look at the past year. I don't post as much here as I do over at The Gypsy Librarian, but I still had enough for a year, a lot of it fun stuff. If you are moved, go for it.

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