Friday, May 30, 2008

Leadership Test

Well, we made it to another Friday, and it is almost the end of the month as well. May sure flew by. Since I have been doing some reading and thinking on the topic of leadership (mostly over in the scratch pad blog. See the right hand column for link), I figured this would be a good quiz to along with the theme. It is not exactly the most scientific quiz, but there are some questions that may make you think. I am not sure where they got the idea that I have a sense of diplomacy, given that I have always said anyone would be crazy to put me in charge of anything. But there you have it. Perhaps some of you may want to try it out as well. If you do, feel free to let me know.

See results below:

Your Leadership Test Score : 85

The above bar graph [not displayed] indicates your score on a scale of 0 to 100 where 50 is considered a normal degree of the symptom/trait being tested. The higher the score, the higher the prevalence of the symptom/trait.
The ExpertRating leadership test score indicates that when it comes to leading people, you are on the top of your game. People follow you, and feel proud of doing so. Leading people was what you were born to do and what you have nurtured yourself to do. Diplomacy, humility, honesty, commitment and competence are all what you have and what you work with. You take firm decisions and are ready to face the music if things go wrong. Accepting responsibility should be one of your biggest assets if you want to lead people. Share the credit and bear the liability alone. You have all the qualities that are required to be a god leader, both in attitude and in work. However, you must remember that you can lead people only as long as they let you do so. Therefore, you must always treat your team right and make them feel involved when the decisions are to be taken. Be congenial to all and you will see yourself reaching the stars with your team following you closely behind!

Find the test here.

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