The big even this week were the Paris attacks. Naturally, when bad things happen, some people decide it's time to make some money. So, in a special segment, let's see how the attacks mean some folks will actually do well in the bad economy:
- The economy may be bad, but for the United States, the selling weapons means that part of the economy is doing great. In fact, the U.S. recently sold another billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. So the Saudis are linked to extremists and do all sorts of human rights atrocities and violations. Their money is as green as anybody else's. Story via Mother Jones.
- Also, if you invest in the defense industry, you are probably doing well in the bad economy. In fact, after the Paris attacks, defense and weapons companies stocks rallied and went up.Story via Mother Jones.
- Now, you may not be a rich hot shot able to play the stock market or part of the weapons industrial complex, but you can still make money off a tragedy in the bad economy. If you can make, print, paint, or craft something and sell it online, you can be one of the many vultures trying to make a profit of the Paris attacks and other tragedies. Story via VICE.
Now, as sad as the events in Paris are, the news keep rolling on, and the bad economy is still going strong. Here are some more signs that the economy is bad:
- We all know Walmart is notorious for exploiting and underpaying its workers, even to the point those workers qualify for public assistance. Well, how bad are Walmart's wages? They are so bad that Walmart workers often have to skip lunch or even steal lunch from other coworkers because they can't afford to get their own food on what Walmart pays. Story via AlterNet.
- Airlines are crying poverty, so now in order to save a few pennies they outsource their aircraft repair and maintenance to unlicensed mechanics abroad. Bad enough they do not want to pay certified mechanics here, but they play Russian roulette with their outsourcing. Story via AlterNet.
- Want to live in Portland, Oregon? Unless you are rich, you may be priced out as gentrification is hitting that city hard. The days of that city being "a magnet for young, creative adults for over a decade, beckoning droves with its quirkiness, liberal appeal and quality of life" may be numbered. Story via Equal Voices.
- College students continue to be financially stressed. Story via Inside Higher Ed.
- Even U.S. Congressmen are "suffering" in the bad economy. At least 50 of them are "forced" to sleep in their offices because they can't (or more likely won't) pay for a place to live while there. Talk about moochers. Story via The Week.
- Now, not everybody suffers in the bad economy. If you are in the religion racket, there is plenty of money to be made in the bad economy, like this megachurch pastor who built a $1.6 million dollar mansion. However, don't ask him where the money came from. Jesus would not approve. Story via Addicting Info.
- And finally, even when it comes to sexual liberation, well, it is not as liberating. The bad economy is there too, and there are the haves and the have-nots whether by economics or the genetic lottery. This is one of those stories that either get ignored or the privileged use to slam the less privileged who may not even get a chance to have anything sexual at all. Story via The Kramer is Now.
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