Friday, November 16, 2018

Do book bloggers need to be in touch with publishing?

Heather of Based on a True Story asks "Are Book Bloggers Out of Touch With Publishing?" Until I read her post I admit this was not something I though about much if at all. I have not formally been a book blogger for a long time, but I am also a librarian so naturally I have an interest in books and reading. I think that you can be "in touch" with publishing and its trends just fine. It does not mean that being "in touch" has to be reflected in your book blog.

I may be one of the few librarians, and fewer people in general, who still uses an RSS reader to stay  informed. One of the folders in my feed reader is dedicated to resources, blogs, news, and other items about books and reading. This can include news from the publishing world. So I feel I am fairly in touch with publishing trends, at least in a passing fashion. For many of the hot, current things, I am just aware they exist, and that is good enough for me. I am aware enough that I can answer basic questions about those current things and direct a client to where they can learn more as needed.

Having said that, it does not mean I feel a need to blog about whatever the latest and hottest in publishing at the moment. Most the stuff that fancy top lists from places like The New York Times and Amazon are not stuff I am interested in reading. If they are your cup of tea, that is great, and you can read about those bestsellers and commercial hits elsewhere. I am an eclectic reader, but I tend to read items that are considered mid-list or just out of the way. If you are really interested, you can learn a bit more about the kinds of books I enjoy reading and reviewing from my reviews statement (which you can also find on the right sidebar of this blog).

I figure that "top of the line" bestsellers and current commercial books get plenty of coverage from big places such as The New York Times, other major newspapers, Oprah Winfrey, morning news shows, NPR, etc. They do not need little old me to give them any more love or coverage. Plus to be honest, I just generally do not find those types of books interesting. For me, there are so many more interesting things out there that do not get covered or reviewed as much, and as reader and librarian, I would rather share those with my four readers. This does not mean I do not read current things. I do pick up current and new books regularly, and I even review regularly for a publisher and/or editor or two. But when I am not reviewing something new, I am looking for next interesting and neat book out there that can use a bit more promotion.

So, going back to the question: do book bloggers need to be in touch with publishing? In my case, as a librarian and reader I feel a need to keep up. However, I think it depends on what kind of book blogger you are. If you are into the current stuff and the latest, then yes. That seems evident. But if you are more into the mid-lists or maybe even just looking at older things, then being "in touch" may not be an issue for you as a book blogger. In the end, I'd say follow your bliss, read and review what you like. Let your book blog reflect your passions as a reader.

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