Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Holiday Post 2019: Books and Reading

Welcome to the third post in my series of holiday posts for 2019. Today we look at books, reading, and the ever popular during this time of the year book lists. This is where everybody and their third cousin makes a list of what is (allegedly) the best of the year in books. I do this in part to get an overview of what was out there in the past year. This year people are doing end of the decade (although the decade technically does not end until 2020, but that is a lost cause pointing it out), so we are also getting a lot of "Best of the Decade" lists. In addition, I do this because I do not always keep up with the best and latest when it comes to reading. I read very eclectically, and I often read and review back shelf books that are new to me. So this gives me a sense of what everybody else was hyping or rushing to read. Naturally, I will add some commentary here or there. As much as possible, I avoided linking the usual suspects (NYT, WaPo, etc.) that everyone else already shares and knows.  For my four readers, if you need ideas of what to read next, here are plenty of options.

General Lists

A small sampling of some of the big lists out there. 

Specific topic lists

Graphic novels, comics, and manga

Bookish Things and Trivia

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