Friday, October 16, 2020

Finished Books: A Book Tag

 I found this tag over at Howling Libraries. The questions are as provided. 

Do you keep a list of books you have read? 

Yes I do. I have kept on my blog an annual reading list since 2006. Here is my reading list for 2019, which is the most recent as of this post. In each annual reading list I do link the previous reading lists so they are handy. In addition, I used GoodReads to keep track of what I have read. On a personal level, I make a note in my personal journal when I finish reading a book. I do not really keep track of books I do not finish though. 

If you record statistics, what statistics do you record? 

I record some statistics when I do my annual reading list on the blog, but those stats are relatively minimal. In other words, I do not worry about every single detail like authors' genders, age, if something is diverse or not, the politics, whatever. To be honest, I could not care less about most of that stuff. You can see the reading list I linked to above to see some of the stats I track once a year like number of books read, fiction or nonfiction, some genres, if they came from the library, so on. One detail I started tracking recently was if I finished any books started at the start of the year as a follow up from the previous year. 

Do you give star ratings for books, and if so, what do you score books out of? How do you come about this score? 

I score on a five stars rating. I explain my scale in my book review statement. As I note in my statement, I do not rate everything by stars, for example, academic books I may not rate by stars but may just recommend or not. 

Do you review books? 

Yes. The Itinerant Librarian is a book review blog. As much as possible, I try to review the books I read. 


Where you do you put your finished books? 

It depends. Books from the library get returned to the library. My own books go back on the book shelf once I am done reviewing them, unless the book was not good in which case it goes into the box to be weeded out of my collection.  

Do you have any other rituals for when you have finished a book? 

If  you can call it a ritual, I do track it as "read"  on GoodReads. I also make a note of it in my personal journal, which is also where I write first drafts of book reviews I publish on the blog later. 

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