Friday, December 11, 2020

Booknote: Emperor's Finest

Sandy Mitchell, Emperor's Finest. Nottingham, UK: Black Library, 2010. ISBN: 9781844168910.
Genre: science fiction
Subgenre: military scifi, Warhammer 40,000
Format: hardcover
Source: I own this one. 


This is book 7 in the Ciaphas Cain series. The novel has its pluses and minuses, and it does feel like a weaker entry in the series. Fans of the series will want to read it for completion. For casual readers, I'd say this is optional reading. The novels can stand on their own, so for casual readers there are better books in the series. 

In Emperor's Finest, Commissar Cain saves the governor's daughter on Viridia, a planet facing an uprising. As often happens in these novels, there is more to the uprising. In search for the source, Cain and a group of Reclaimer Space Marines end up in a space hulk. When the Reclaimers suffer serious losses while exploring the derelict space hulk, Cain gets stuck in the derelict. He will need all his cunning wits and combat skills to survive. 

Let's start with the big minus: Mira, the governor's daughter. She is your basic gold digging spoiled noblewoman of minimal use outside of her official duties. She seems to be there mainly as a humor element, but to be honest she adds little to the overall plot. In fact, once the story moves to the space hulk, she is gone from the scene, and no one will miss her. She does reappear at end of the book. The character is a bit of a nuisance to Cain as well as to readers. To be honest, she feels like an unnecessary add on. 

On a positive, I enjoyed Cain's building relationship with the Reclaimers, especially with their techmarine. It was an interesting setting for the commissar. As always, I also enjoy the footnotes and commentary from Inquisitor Vail. 

Overall, I liked the novel, but it is not a strong entry in the series. The action really picks up in the last third of the book, and it gets better once Mira is out of the picture. 

3 out of 5 stars. 

Book qualifies for this 2020 Reading Challenge: 

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