Sunday, January 01, 2023

Media Notes: Roundup for December 2022



This is a somewhat random selection of the movies and series on DVD and/or online I watched during December 2022.

Movies and films (links to for basic information unless noted otherwise). Many of these I watched via or other online source. The DVDs come from the public library (unless noted otherwise). In addition, I will try to add other trivia notes, such as when a film is based on a book adding the information about the book (at least the WorldCat record if available).

Christmas themed movies:

  • Christmas Twister (2012. Disaster. Action. Adventure. Drama). Plot description: "On Christmas Day the Texas area to the South West of Fort Worth is struck by a massive storm system sprouting several severe tornadoes." Casper Van Dien plays the meteorologist and university scientist Ethan that no one wants to listen to, and his estranged wife Addison is a TV news reporter who would rather he keep his knowledge to himself. No one wants to ruin Christmas with news of tornadoes that may or not be real. Until the disaster happens. The opening scene with the first tornado is somewhat thrilling, sets the scene. So why are there tornadoes in Texas close to Christmas? Oh, that is climate change, and the professor has theories about that, but again, this is a disaster movie which means no one will believe him until it is too late. Meanwhile, in the studio, Addison's cocky anchor weatherman thinks it's all OK (not to mention he has the hots for Addison, who is on the fence), but Ethan has the better equipment, and he can tell hell is about to break loose. Again, disaster movie, so no one wants to believe. Logan basically is the guy you hope the tornado takes first (and when it eventually takes him it's about the best part of the movie). To be honest, Addison is not exactly a sympathetic character, so one not to be missed if the tornado took her too; she is not that great a mom either it seems, on par with a disaster movie where the parents need to learn to be better parents. To be honest, the family dog may be the only character for the audience to care about. Overall, this is mostly a Christmas family movie with a bit of tornado thrown in. The acting is adequate. The storms to be honest not that scary (not scarier than stuff you may see in the news), and it is more drama, or attempt at drama, than a disaster movie. Thing is it takes place in Texas, where things like the power grid are notoriously bad (but that is another story). Having lived there, part of me knows that if this was the Real McCoy, Fort Worth and the surrounding areas would be way worse off than the what little happens in this movie. By the way, this is Texas, where they do get tornadoes, and out of season or not they know how to act when a twister comes. Most of the people in the film act like they've never seen a tornado or have a clue. I know this is fiction, but you can only stretch believability so much. Not to mention the unrealistic way the TV studio where Addison works is run. Speaking of unrealistic, the movies has quite a few ridiculous moments. In the end, the movie is not that good. The drama is somewhat predictable. As I said, acting is adequate at best, and most of the characters outside of Ethan and Addison's family are just folks no one will care about. Heck, the family is not that great either, but it is a Christmas movie, so we know it has to end well for them, they come together, yadda yadda. Pacing of the film is not that great, with some pretty slow parts. The ending does drag a bit too. At most this gets 1 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/2.
  • A Christmas Karen (2022. Comedy. Holidays. Literary Adaptation). Plot description: "Karen is an entitled middle-aged woman whose demanding nature has alienated her neighbors and family. After a series of instances displaying her privilege and prejudice, Karen receives an 'intervention' by some unconventional spirits." I came across this movie via social media; I saw an ad about it, so I figured I would take a chance. The name "Karen" has pretty much become synonymous with an obnoxious, usually middle aged, white woman, often of some means, self entitled pain the ass. So I suppose a movie about such a character was just a matter of time, and here they are using the character for a retelling of the classic Dickens tale "A Christmas Carol." Karen is as obnoxious as they come, drives a Hummer (because of course), and basically does alienate everyone outside of some female friends who are about as bad as she is. The movie does not waste time, and we soon get to see Karen being herself. Oh by the way, she is a Karen, so yea, casual bigotry is part of the package too. The basics of the classic story are in place, just modernized. The "Marley" character is Jackie Morley, Karen's old boss who died of a heart attack 20 years ago, and comes as a ghost to warn Karen. Some of the "rules" for the ghosts are a bit different than the traditional story, but they serve to add to the humor. Overall, it's a nice and fun movie with a bit of silliness that works well for the holiday season. To be honest, it was a lot better than I expected. Yes, it is a retelling, but the modern elements work well enough. If you enjoy the basic story, you will likely enjoy this new version. In the end, it was entertaining with some funny moments, some moving moments, and catches a light spirit of the holiday season. Plus bonus you get some movie bloopers in the end credits. I'd say one to give it a chance. I really liked it, so 4 out of 5 stars. Via PlutoTv. Watched 12/3.
  • Jack Frost 2: the Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000. Horror. Fantasy. Comedy). Plot description: "The Mutant Killer Snowman returns to kill more people during Christmas." Since I have seen the first one, figured I'd take a chance on this one too. In this sequel, the sheriff and others from the first movie take a vacation in the Caribbean, where there is no snow. So a good time to relax after the previous events. However, Jack manages to get frozen again, and this time he does not melt in high temperatures, and he wants revenge. The way he comes back is a bit ridiculous, but we go with it at this point. As for the characters, well, as other movies like this, a good share of characters no one really cares for that Jack will kill. By the way, the couple getting married in the islands is quite cringe inducing. Some of the deaths are pretty creative, but otherwise the movie's plot barely makes sense, even for a fantasy film. Plot does drag given we don't seem to get enough of Jack, who we do not see for most of the film. We get hints of him, his voice, but that is about it. We eventually see him about halfway through the movie. This means between killings we get stuck with the guests, and the traumatized sheriff whose wife is tired of having to listen to him about said trauma. Not exactly entertaining. The last half hour just degenerates into ridiculousness. It tries to be funny, but it is mostly tiresome. Oh, and the solution to counter Jack? Even more ridiculous, but at this point anything goes. We could have done without this sequel to be honest. 1 out of 5 stars at most. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/9.
    • I saw the first film back in December 2019. The first one can be a fun watch, but you can pretty much skip the sequel. 
  • An American Christmas Carol (1979. Holidays. Literary Adaptation. Made for television movie). Plot description: "In Depression-era New England, miserly businessman Benedict Slade receives a long-overdue attitude adjustment on Christmas Eve when he is visited by three ghostly figures who resemble three of the people whose possessions he had seized to collect on unpaid loans." Henry Winkler portrays Benedict Slade (the Scrooge character) in this retelling of the classic Dickens story set in the United States. You thought Ebenezer Scrooge was mean, but Benedict Slade elevates the mean factor. Slade even does evictions and repossessions himself, mainly reposessions. Poor sharecroppers. An orphanage. No matter. If they owe money, he comes to collect, armed with repossession orders from the county court. From the orphanage's piano to a bookstore's inventory, including what appear to be antiquarian books, if they fell behind on payments, Slade is taking it. It does not matter it is the Christmas season.By the way, he mostly takes the books for scrap and pulp by now, regardless of value since he does not seem to care for books. It is a bit painful to me as a reader and librarian to watch him destroy some books in the film. Winkler does a good performance, and he does play the evil, miserly mean man very well. They do make him older through make up; in the past time scenes we get to see him as young as he was back in 1979. The film does keep some elements of the original, including some lines here or there, yet the story is adapted to an American setting in the Depression era. The movie also has some small interesting historical details. The ghosts by the way take the form of people he knows in life, an interesting touch. The film does linger a bit longer in the scenes from Christmas past, and then seems to rush a bit through the present and future. Still, the story is there, and Slade will get his lesson. In addition, unlike other adaptations, there are no special effects, other than the makeup job as noted; there are no fancy ghost animations or such. On a curious note, the Ghost of Christmas Future really is from the future (as in he looks like he comes out the 1970s. Keep in mind, the story is in the Depression era, early part of Roosevelt's presidency). Still, the actor does the role well, with a bit of the coldness we expect from the Ghost of Christmas Future. And yet, we know who are the ghosts and the messages they bring. For some, at times the movie may get very melodramatic, but overall the story works. The performances are pretty good. The ending does come around full circle, which I thought was a nice touch. I liked it, so willing to give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. I'd say if you have not seen it, you should give it a chance. It's pretty good. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/16. 
  • Christmas Evil (1980. Horror. Holidays. Thriller). Plot description: "A toy factory worker, mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree." Opening scene happens in 1947 when the kid, Harry, along with brother and mom see Santa come down the chimney, likely staged by parents since mom is later getting her groove on with "Santa," which Harry a bit later  manages to observe and apparently get scarred for life. Bit of a stretch if you ask me. Most of the time something like that happens, it's an awkward moment but not one to make a serial killer. But that is the premise of the movie anyhow, so we are going with it. By the way, the adults' scene is quite tame. We then move to the present time of the movie, where Harry seems to have a bit of a Santa Claus obsession, to the point he observes the neighborhood kids to see which are nice or naughty, keeping a naughty list and a nice list. He has very nice penmanship on his list books by the way, nice fountain pen to write the names too. He also has a very nice toy collection in his home,  higher quality than the ones his factory makes. That may add a bit to the creepy factor (this was before it became cool and hip for grown ups to collect toys). As if naughty kids were not enough of a problem, his coworkers at the factory mostly do not give a hoot about Christmas and they toys they make. It's just another job. Oh, Santa is not going to be happy about that lack of Christmas spirit. The movie does build up pretty slowly, giving us details a bit at time about how messed up Harry is. We get the impression he is just a time bomb waiting to go off, and no one really has a clue. The killings finally start about 50 minutes in (and this is an hour and 34 minutes film), and when he starts it can be startling. After the initial killing, we get sort of a pause as Harry (Santa) stops by a party at a charity club (like a Boys and Girls Club), entertains the children and adults, all very nice, yet you feel the creepy factor and wonder if he will snap or not. Much like Santa, Harry rewards the good, but he also will bring horrible things to those who are bad. One thing the movie does well is the use of music to establish certain moods. And just when you think the movie is slowing down at the last act, it takes quite a dark turn, and then it gets darker when Harry and his brother reunite. The ending, well, it is a bit uncertain what we get. Overall, if you are expecting a slasher fest, this is not it. This is more a character study seeing the mental deterioration of a dysfunctional man scarred from his childhood. Along the way, we look a bit at Christmas consumerism and cynicism as well as corporate hypocrisy in the form of the bosses in the toy factory. Still, slow pacing makes this movie a bit hard to watch. The movie poster is an example of deceitful marketing as it gives the impression this is a slasher film; it most certainly is not. I'd say it was OK, so willing to give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/17.
  • Slay Belles (2018. Horror. Comedy. Adventure). Plot description: "It's Christmas Eve, and three cosplaying women come across the malevolent Christmas demon Krampus. The girls must team up with Santa Claus himself to battle the creature and save the world." Barry Bostwick plays Santa, and we get an appearance from Richard Moll ("Bull" Shannon from the Night Court series). The women are "urban explorers" who get into, or break into depending how you look ait, into abandoned places and film themselves plus they do other pranks for their vlog. When they decide to go exploring in an abandoned "Santa Land" theme park, things go from there. The film does an interesting spin on the Santa story that seems to fit in our modern times. The movie starts a bit slow, but it does have some entertaining moments once the pace picks up. The last act adds an interesting reveal or two. The acting is mostly OK, and the editing could have used some work given a very dark scene or two that may have needed a bit more lighting to see clearly. Still, amusing for the holiday season, though very light on the horror. They did get the special effects for Krampus pretty well. In the end it was OK, so 2 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/28.


Other movies:  

  • Amityville Karen (2022. Horror). Plot description: "An angry and entitled "Karen" turns murderous when she becomes possessed by an evil spirit." The film starts with Karen starting the day, her routine, and we soon see she has a list of "tasks" to do such as pranking a neighbor and getting a local business shut down. She gets more obnoxious from there, and this is before she gets possessed by the evil spirit. She is some kind of compliance officer, and she takes joy in giving those she audits hell. When she drinks a cursed bottle of wine, that is when Karen really let's loose. This could be an amusing B-movie, but the acting is pretty awful. The few special effects are seriously bad too, somewhat laughable but still bad. Plot? What plot? Other than her killing people once she drinks the wine, and badly so, there is no such thing as a plot. The more you keep watching, the less sense the movie makes. The news segment at the end was unnecessary; it feels like an attempt to be funny, but it falls flat. Even the post-film credit scenes felt like filler. There is not much to this movie other than the title. Not worth even a single star, so a zero rating of five stars. This movie feels like they did not really try. Too bad, as I said, it could have had potential. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/28.
  • Terror Train (2022. Horror. Mystery). Plot description: "Eerie excitement is in the air as Alana (Robyn Alomar) and a group of college seniors board a party train for a Halloween-themed bash, but their fun spirals into fear as attendees are killed off one by one by an unknown killer. Concealed by costumes and plagued with chaos, everyone is a suspect." This is one of Tubi's original films, and this one is a remake of the 1980 Terror Train movie, which I watched back in October 2022. I am not always a fan of remakes, but I got curious, especially since Tubi announced they are making a sequel to this one. I figure they feel this one was successful enough to warrant a sequel. Anyhow, I took a chance here. The premise is pretty much the same as the original film where  you have a fraternity prank go horribly wrong. Some time later those responsible find themselves on the party train for Halloween. And by the way, given the prank, I do find myself rooting for the killer. The film is modernized, but a lot of the details of the original, including the obnoxiousness of the frat boys, were kept. To be honest, the character of Doc, who was already a cruel asshole in the original, is ramped up in terms of being a seriously cruel asshole. One detail they updated is the train conductors. In the original, they were men. In this film, they are women. One of them is the experienced old timer, and the other is a new hire, somewhat lacking assertiveness. This movie is not as subtle as the first one. We get more hints early on. We still have the suspense of the killer taking out frat bros and sorority sisters one at a time in costume, so we do not know who the killer is right away. Thing about the movie is if you have not seen the original, this one can be entertaining. However, if you have seen the original, and I have, then you do spend part of watching this one checking off details of what matches and what they did different. For instance, the magician is more prominent in this one. The suspense is just not as effective in this one as we get less detail and more exposition with surviving characters just flat out telling you what is happening. The ending is different than the original, with an additional new twist. Overall, the movie keeps the essence of the story, but it does change some key details. The suspense is not as effective, in large part because you get a lot of telling rather than just showing. The twist at the end was a nice touch. Despite the flaws, the film overall looks pretty good, and it can be OK for a Halloween watch or just for a weekend night. The original still remains better and more effective. I am willing to give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 12/29. 
  • Terror Train 2 (Horror. Mystery). Plot description: "The remaining survivors are coerced to take a New Year's Eve redemption ride on the very same train, where a new evil awaits and the terrified passengers must once again fight to survive the ride." Because apparently some people never learn, the survivors from the first film go on another holiday train ride, this time during New Year's Eve. What better way for Alana, the survivor, to get over the trauma than to get back on the same train on a new ride? Many of the characters that survived the last time, including Sadie the train porter and the Magician are back for this one. We also get a few new faces, including a new security officer. Alana is dragged by her roommate, a bit insistently, to take the journey to confront her fears, Meanwhile, Pet, another survivor is basically trying to monetize the whole experience with some true crime app. So while Pet and her groupies are hijacking the event for their crime app, and the survivors try to make it through despite the constant drama, the killer, in costume, has already started the killings one at a time. As before, let's be honest, some of these people are so despicable you do root for the killer. When one of the deaths gets posted online, the passengers wonder if it is real or just fake special effects. The killer moves among them, and unlike the previous film, he or she does change costumes (a detail from the original film). The film does present a few twists, and the killer, though we get hints, is not revealed until the very end. The film draws elements from the first, but it does offer some new thrills. Overall, it was pretty good. They do tone down the asshole elements, but only slightly. For folks who enjoyed the first one, they may enjoy this one as well. It's a pretty good sequel. I liked it, willing to give it 3 out of 5 stars. It does feel a bit better than the first one. Via TubiTv; it is also one of their original films. Watched 12/31. 


Television and other series (basic show information links via Wikipedia unless noted otherwise). Some of these come in DVD from the public library. Others may be via YouTube, which, as noted before, I keep finding all sorts of other old shows in it, often full episodes:

  • C.O.P.S. (1988-1989. Animated series. Police. Action. Humor. Children and Young Adult).  See my comment on this in the May 2019 roundup. I've been watching this in and out. I start this month on episode 49 (out of 65) as I continue catching up on watching the series this month.  
  • Iron Chef (1993-1999). I continue watching this full run via TubiTv. Finished watching season 6 this month, and I continue with season 7.

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