Friday, May 12, 2023

Short Book Review: Hagar the Horrible: Motley Crew

Dik Browne, Hagar the Horrible: Motley Crew. New York: Tor Books, 1992. ISBN: 0812515447.

This is a nice collection of Hagar the Horrible comics. The book contains a series of short comic stories, 41 in total. The stories can be two to four pages in length. The comics look at Hagar's travails as a viking and a family man. Highlights in this volume include: Hagar and Helga watching a sunset, celebrating Christmas (I always like Christmas comics), Hagar visiting a wise man for wisdom, and Hamlet, Hagar's son, reading with Hernia, a girl friend. 

Overall, this is a fun and easy read that can make you smile. The strips are in black and white, but they are still fun to read. If you need something light to cheer you up, this is pretty good. 

3 out of 5 stars. 

Book qualifies for the following 2023 Reading Challenge: 

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