Friday, January 05, 2024

Book Review: Batman/Spawn: the Deluxe Edition

Various authors, Batman/Spawn: the Deluxe Edition. Burbank, CA: DC Comics, 2023.  ISBN: 9781779522818.

Genre: graphic novels and comics
Subgenre: DC Comics, Image Comics, Batman, Spawn, superheroes, antiheroes, retrospective
Format: Hardcover
Source: Eastside Branch, Lexington (KY) Public Library


This volume is a compilation of three Batman and Spawn crossover stories. The volume includes the following: 

  • Batman/Spawn #1 (2022).
  • Batman/Spawn: War Devil #1 (1994).
  • Spawn/Batman #1 (1994). 
  • Behind the Capes: Pinups, variant covers and extras.


To be honest, this volume is very light in substance. It is really three single first issues. The other half of the volume is the extras. Without the extras, this would be a seriously light volume. If you are a completist and a fan of both characters, you may want to acquire this for your collection as it is a nice hardback in terms of production quality and aesthetics. Casual readers are better off borrowing it. 

The best part of the comics is the art. We get a look at the 1990s and today. It is interesting to see how the characters are depicted by different artists. The stories, however, are a bit underwhelming. The third story in the volume, written by Frank Miller, is the weakest. Batman and Spawn spend an awful lot of time in the story bickering like bratty children. How they manage to unite to get anything done with their petty attitudes is a bit of a miracle. This does not feel like Miller's best writing. The rivalry just seems forced. At times Batman is just a dick for no other reason than to be a dick. The War Devil story may be the best of the lot, with the new story in the middle in terms of ranking. 

Overall this book was OK. The concept is great, but the stories and writing leave much to be desired. I would say this is an optional selection for libraries with graphic novel collections. For completion, if libraries already have strong Batman and/or Spawn collections, then consider acquiring it. I am not buying it for our library unless requested. 

2 out of 5 stars. 

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