Monday, January 15, 2024

Some end of year pandemic thoughts: the fourth year

I find myself as the last year ended thinking about the pandemic. As 2023 ends, we are at the fourth year going on to the fifth. As we go into 2024, we have yet another variant, JN.1 this time. The variant is highly transmissible, but what else is new. Viruses mutate; it is what they do. Despite that, people pretty much have gone back to "normal." Seeing anyone masking is extremely rare, though I will note I have noticed a few students in my college masking up. 

I admit to masking less, and I still do so mainly in extremely crowded conditions. I can note that my exposure is relatively minimal as I do not go out much other minor errands here or there. I avoid crowds. At work, any large meeting I can do online I do online. 

One thing I've noticed in all this time is my very low tolerance for big crowds. Even before the pandemic my tolerance was low, but the pandemic has just strengthened my aversion to people and crowds. Riding the Polar Express back in December was about the only outside activity my family has done since the pandemic started, and mercifully it was not as crowded as it could have been since we chose a less popular time for the ride. 

I will add that my family and me all have our vaccine shots up to date. I do figure that at some point I need to have faith in the vaccine. Between that, keeping exposure to a minimum, and taking care of myself I hope to be OK. I am doing the best I can with what I have. 

As for the new year 2024, I am not sure. A few isolated places have brought mask mandates back, but I do not see it happening widely. I do not see it happen here in Bumfuck, USA unless people start literally dropping dead on the streets, and even then they may still refuse to mask up. Heck, our local hospital was among the first to stop wearing masks the minute they figured out they could get away with it. As for me, I will keep doing the best I can, keep the masks at hand, and pray the Cosmic Joker smiles on me and mine. 

And on to year 5. We'll see, OK, I may be likely writing a 5th year update at the end of 2024. And so we keep going. 


The first year thoughts. 

The second year thoughts. 

The third year thoughts.

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