Friday, May 03, 2024

Short book review: Infernal Parade

Clive Barker, with illustrations by Bob Eggleton, Infernal Parade. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2017. ISBN: 9781596068070.

Genre: horror and fantasy
Subgenre: short stories
Format: hardback
Source: Berea branch, Madison County (KY) Public Library


This is a small collection of stories that make up a novella. Clive Barker introduces Tom Requiem, who is spared from death and given a mission. His task is to bring back fear and awe to a complacent world. To do so, he leads the Infernal Parade. He goes around finding various characters who will be the entertainments of the parade. Each character gets a story. The book includes six stories. 

The stories are short and relatively easy reads. The settings range from the U.S. to fantastical long gone cities. The stories are a bit macabre but on the light side. They often feature some twist at the end. Overall, I liked the book, and it makes for an easy read during the Halloween season. Of course, you can read it at any time. 

3 out of 5 stars.

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