Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Deck Review: Bird Messages Oracle Cards

Susie Green and Alan Weston (illustrator), Bird Messages Oracle Cards. New York: CICO Books, 2018. Distributed by Simon and Schuster. ISBN: 9781782496625. 

Genre: cartomancy and divination, birds
Subgenre: nature
Format: Kit with 52-card deck and small guide book
Source: I own this one

Barn Owl card
This deck kit includes 52 cards with a 64-page illustrated guide book. It comes packaged in a side opening box, which is not really a good choice for packing the set. However, issues of packaging aside, this is a pretty good deck. 

The book includes the following: 

  • Introduction. A brief description of the deck's concept and overview of the world of birds. 
  • The story of Bird. A brief history of bird evolution and their place in nature. 
  • How to connect to Bird. Some suggestions for making time to connect. 
  • Connecting with the cards and the messengers. Some instructions including how to set the scene and mood and how to interpret messages. 
  • Spreads for in-depth readings. In addition to the basic 3-card readings, we get three additional spreads: a 7-card, a 9-card, and 10-card spreads. These three spreads can be a bit complex, but are useful for decision making, planning, and relationships. Spread instructions are detailed and include some examples. 
  • The messages. This has the card entries with meanings and interpretations. Each card entry includes a small color photo of the card and two paragraphs of bird description and interpretation. Note the card entries are indexed alphabetically but they are not in alphabetical order in the book. You need the index to find a card in the book. Note also the cards are not numbered. Better arrangement would make this kit more user friendly in terms of connecting cards to the guide book. 
  • Resources. A short list of online resources and some books about birds. 

Lovebirds card
The cards feature art by Alan Weston. These are beautiful cards that feature a good variety of birds from various parts of the world. Art is colorful and shows the birds in their natural habitat. Cards include card name and a short card message on bottom of image. Cards are borderless. 

These are not really cards for intuitives unless you are really sensitive and/or you know a lot about specific birds. You can make do with the card's message, but you will likely need the book to help interpret the cards. 

In addition, if you just enjoy images of birds and nature, this deck is a good option. It is a nice deck to just look through and meditate a bit on the birds and their messages. 

The cards measure about 5 inches by 3 inches. They have a soft glossy finish. They shuffle and slide with ease. They shuffle and slide with ease. Card back has a nice feathers image, but is not reversible. 

Overall, this is a nice set, but one you may need to read the book to aid interpretation, at least initially. For me, a nice deck I am happy to have but not essential. If you enjoy birds and/or nature themed decks, you may like this one. 

4 out of 5 stars, mainly for the cards. 

Additional photos of the packaging. I usually do not bother much with noting this in reviews, but this bad packaging did bother me. 

The side opening box


Inside of the box, with flimsy cardboard. In time, cards will likely slide deeper into the box.


Kit qualifies for the following 2024 Reading Challenges: 



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