Friday, August 02, 2024

Media Notes: Roundup for July 2024



This is a somewhat random selection of the movies and series on DVD and/or online I watched during  July 2024.

Movies and films (links to for basic information unless noted otherwise). Some of these I watched via or other online source. The DVDs come from the public library (unless noted otherwise). In addition, I will try to add other trivia notes, such as when a film is based on a book adding the information about the book (at least the WorldCat record if available):

  • Johnny Z (2022. Horror. Action). Plot description: It is a "horror-action feature film about a half human, half zombie named Johnny who, under the guidance of a martial arts master seeks vengeance on the evil corporation that created him."  The opening initially does not make much sense until it is revealed that a scientist breaks out of a research facility with an experimental subject that may be the cure for the zombie plague going on. Jonray is some sort of zombie hunter and vigilante, but he is tasked with taking the subject, Johnny Z, to some other doctor. From a mention by Crisanto, sort of Jonray's fixer, it is the year 2075.The movie's premise is not a bad idea; it has the basic zombie formula in place, and it could be a good story. But the middle of the film is just slow with not much of anything happening other than some exposition and minor flashbacks. It is a bit of a mystery how Z is able to learn the martial arts from Jonray; he just seems to pick it up. The plot to find the one doctor to take Z over is sort of lost as Jonray just starts training Z in martial arts and refining his skills. Turns out, also, the corporation uses Z's blood to keep making a temporary treatment that it charges for; the other doctor hopes for a permanent cure. As I said, it is not a bad plot, it just drags on and on. Acting is average pretty much. Eventually, the final confrontation comes. Not a bad action sequence, but then they ruin it with a bit too much talking as villains often do. Overall, the big issue of this movie is that is just boring. It should be semi-decent, but is just boring, drags, and after a while it gets tiresome. Also the sentimentality they add in here or there for drama just feels more like filler. This films feels like they tried to make a halfway good effort, and they just did not quite know what to do with it. Even the ending fails to satisfy. 1 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/4.   
  • Manborg (2011. Action. Adventure. Comedy). Plot description: "A soldier, brought back to life as a cyborg, fights alongside a band of adventurers against demon hordes in a dystopian future."  On a humor note for this cut, you can tell this is a straight to video movie as in the opening before the movie starts you get the message to stay tuned for upcoming attractions (movie trailers). The only comedy if any is mainly accidental, and some moments from one of the bad guys that try to work as comic relief. The plot is fairly simple, even if very silly. Special effects are very 1990s. If you remember shows like Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Power Rangers, and maybe Reboot, you will get what this feels like, but a couple of degrees less in quality. The acting is somewhat stiff, not very good either, about on par for a very cheesy production. It is barely OK, but I've seen worse, so 2.5 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/7.
  • The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil (2019. Action. Crime. Thriller. International. South Korean. Original title: Akinjeon).  Plot description: "A crime boss teams up with a cop to track down a serial killer." At the opening the film states it is based on a true story. The Wikipedia entry adds some details about the film, but no hint on what story, if any, it is based on. They team up for their own motives. The cop, who is likely the one honest cop in a department where most other cops are paid by the mobsters, wants to catch the killer and make a name for himself plus help clear the case load. The mobster is motivated because he survived an attack by the killer, but he now also has to deal with losing face with other mobsters due to the attack. So they team up with a bet: share resources but the first to catch the killer keeps him. So not only are they competing, but the serial killer soon ups the ante, more so when a gang killing, unrelated, gets blamed on the killer. This upsets him, and he wants to get even. So it is all against all. Overall, this is a pretty good thriller and a bit of a cat and mouse chase. The ending is quite good I thought, but may seem a bit of a stretch to some. I say just enjoy it. Good film with intrigues, a twist or two, and a bit of action. 4 out of 5 stars. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/7. As I have said before, Tubi does have a pretty good selection in international films, and this is a good example. 
  • Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988. Horror. Comedy. Science Fiction). Plot description: "Aliens who look like clowns come from outer space and terrorize a small town." I remember watching close to around the time it came out, so when I saw Tubi had it, I put it on my list to watch at some point. This month I decided to watch it. As a nice touch, the movie opens with a theme song that tells you what the movie is about. The movie starts with the common scene of young kids making out in the woods, an overzealous police officer who of course does not believe the initial reports, and a small town. The special effects are nice enough. The inside of the ship does look like a sort of circus alien ship, and the space clowns look silly but also alien. Once the movie gets going, the best part may be the various gags the Klowns do to capture town people, which end up dead. The acting is about average for this kind of movie. The two brothers were particularly irritating, and to be honest, movie could have done without them. As usual, you don't really care much about the cast. Overall, the kind of silly movie you watch late at night or during some slow time, order some food out, and enjoy the silliness. It is not great, but it is not bad either. It does have some amusing moments. If you like cheesy kind of B-movie horror films, you might like this one. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Watched 7/14. 
  • Planet of the Vampire Women (2011. Comedy. Science Fiction). Plot description:  "Led by a lethal space-pirate Captain, a band of dangerous intergalactic corsairs manage to pull off an impossible heist at a space casino, only to find themselves chest-deep into trouble, as cosmic bloodsuckers pick them off one by one." The special effects are basic and adequate, but for this kind of movie they work. Once the pirates escape the casino they robbed, they find an out of the way planet to hide, except it turns out to be cursed. When the captain is the first to turn into a vampire, due to a mysterious lightning that hits her, the crew soon find themselves trying to survive. However, the captain is not the only vampire nor the only creature they need to worry about. The plot has potential, but the pacing of the story is quite slow, the acting is not good, and to be honest not that much happens. Part of the reason for some to watch this movie is the one or two cute women, but that is not much of an incentive. The movie overall does not have much to carry it through, and it just drags. This could have been a halfway fun cheesy movie, but they just can't execute between the poor script, the bad acting, and slow pace. There is campy and fun and then there is bad, slow, dragging, and mostly boring. This is the latter. 1 out of 5 stars, and that may be generous. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/14.
  • Outpost (2008. Action. Horror. Science Fiction). Plot description: "In war-torn Eastern Europe, a mysterious businessman hires a group of mercenaries on a routine mission to protect him not knowing of the long-hidden secret that lies there." If I understand correctly, this is the first film in what became a series of Outpost films. I watched one of the sequels, Outpost: Black Sun back in 2019. That was, as I wrote, entertaining, but no big deal. This one caught my eye in part because it has Ray Stevenson in it, the actor from Punisher: War Zone, which I watched back in 2018. Anyhow, decided to give this one a chance. This is another entry in the Nazi zombies genre. The business man claims to be exploring for minerals, but soon we learn as do the soldiers he is after some old bunker, and soon we'll see the secrets within. This one builds a bit slow, but once it gets going it has some good action. The suspense is pretty good throughout, and it is tense until the very end. The science fiction element falls under one of the Nazi miracle weapons, ones they hoped might win them the war at the last minute but, historically at least, did not. I found it interesting. If you like a slow building atmospheric movie, this one does the job. The actors are good in it, and the characters are developed not fully but just enough. As for the zombie element, it is a bit of zombie and a bit of ghost story in a way, but it works.  I'd say 3.5 out of 5 stars. Not bad for a late night. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/20. 
  • Hell Night (1981. Horror. Thriller). Plot description: "Four college fraternity and sorority pledges spend the night in a deserted old mansion as part of a hazing ritual during hell night, where they are stalked by the only survivor of a family massacre from the mansion's sordid past."  Part of the reason I picked this up is because it has Linda Blair in it, but also it appeared to be your classic 1980s slasher horror where they kill college kids you don't really care about (and I certainly don't care much for college frat and sorority kids). Naturally, it is not going to be a peaceful night for the pledges as some of the members plan various pranks to try to scare them. However, soon they, and we, realize there is more than just some college kid pranks. The main sin of this movie is that is seriously slow, and most of it is relatively boring. The suspense could be better, as well as the pacing. There are some scares, but the frat kids getting killed are few and far between, and rest of the time you are just sitting waiting for anything to happen. It does check one or two boxes of horror cliches such as the unhelpful cops and characters making bad decisions. Not even Linda Blair's heaving bosom can save this movie. Overall, it is relatively tame, which if you leaned a bit more on the suspense with a better script maybe could have worked. But most of it you just can't wait to be over. Film is about one hour and 40 minutes, and it is about an hour too long. The 1980s produced a lot of these cheap thrillers, but this one is among the worst. The only real hell is sitting through this waiting for it to finally be over. The ending was about the only thrill, and not that great nor thrilling, and then the film ends. Thank goodness. 1 out of 5 stars, barely. Via TubiTv. Watched 7/20. 

Television and other series (basic show information links via Wikipedia unless noted otherwise). Some of these come in DVD from the public library. Others may be via YouTube, which, as noted before, I keep finding all sorts of other old shows in it, often full episodes:

  • Columbo (1968-2003. Crime. Drama. Mystery). The popular and often beloved series with Peter Falk in the title role. I commented initially on the series back in November 2023 when I started watching it. 
    • I pick this up again this month with Season 1, Episode 9 (as I noted previously, Tubi has these arranged slightly different with more but shorter seasons). Episode 9 here is the last for the first season: "Blueprint for Murder." I managed to get into Season 2, and watched the first two episodes of that season.
  • Gordon Behind Bars (2012. Reality. Cooking). Plot description: "Mercurial chef Gordon Ramsay goes to jail in Britain with the hopes of getting some prisoners to give back through making food dishes for the public." At four episodes, this is a short series, so took a chance. An interesting detail, to me, is the contrast with the U.S. They count prisoners in the thousands; here in the U.S. it is millions and millions. It still costs a significant amount of money to keep prisoners in prison. The prisoners in the Brixton jail range from small offenses to very bad offenses like murder. A complication for Gordon, in addition to the prisoners, is the prison system itself which makes things more difficult for his project. Overall, the program is interesting, a bit of drama but draws you in.  
  • Women's Extreme Wrestling (2002-2008. Wrestling. Entertainment). I could not find out much about this series Tubi recently brought it. Reminded me of the old G.L.O.W. so I figured I'd check it out for fun. Tubi has two seasons of it. Season 1 has ten episodes. Second season has 20. Episodes are a bit, very much a bit, like G.L.O.W. without the music but with women playing various characters combined with your basic wrestling. Aside from the wrestling and the nice looking women of all types, it's the commentary that makes this amusing and entertaining at times. Each episode seems to be its own event, and Tubi does not seem to have it all in sequential order, which means you may miss a plot detail here or there, but still entertaining now and then.


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