Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Deck Review: Queen of the Moon Oracle

Stacey Demarco and Kinga Britschgi, Queen of the Moon Oracle: Guidance Through Lunar and Seasonal Energies. Australia: Rockpool Publishing, 2019. ISBN: 978-1-925682-58-8. (publisher link)

Genre: oracle cards
Subgenre: moon/lunar
Format: kit with small companion book and 44 cards
Source: I own this one. Bought at Half Price Books for a nice price. 

Card 16 Full Moon: Power
I first used this deck in September 2024. The kit includes a small companion book and the 44-card deck. The book is arranged as follows: 

  • Preface. This is a bit of an author statement where they recall their experiences and fascination with the Moon. They express their hope "that you will experience the positive power of the moon just as I have" (2).
  • Introduction. A bit here on Moon lore and why people find it so interesting and influential. You also get a summary of the moon phases and their influences as well as good times to do certain magics with the moon. 
  • How to use the cards. You get some brief guidance on using the cards. You also get 5 card spreads you can try out plus instructions for a deck dedication ritual. 
  • Card entries. To with most witchcraft traditions where the lunar cycle starts on the Dark Moon (the Void), the entries in the book start with the Dark Moon-1 card and then the remaining 43 cards. Each card entry includes card title, message and interpretation, a brief affirmation, and note of a companion stone or metal. The entries also include a small color image of the cards. 

The book is informative and concise. Introductory material is basic. The spreads are nice; one of them is a big one using 31 cards, so you may need a bit of space to work it. The card entries give you enough information about the card with emphasis on the interpretation and message. Messages give the reader ways to grow, develop, and work with themselves and the moon. Some good message for meditation in the entries. If you want more depth on moon magic, rituals, etc., you may want a supplemental text, but for the basics and things like meditation and card spreads, you get enough in the book.

Card 23 Last Quarter Moon: Gratitude
Kinga Brischgi does the deck's art. Their art combines a bit of fantasy, surrealism, and magical realism. The art is colorful and detailed, and the figures are expressive. This is the kind of art you can look at and lose yourself in seeing all the details. These are good cards for meditation. For me, they work well for daily and weekly draws. I can see using them also as clarifier cards with a Tarot deck. As the author suggests, you can also use them for divination. 

The cards have a glossy finish, so they can be a little sticky when shuffling. Cards measure about 5 inches by 3 1/2 inches. The art is borderless. The card back is nice, showing the moon phases; it is not reversible. 

Overall, I really like this deck. It feels like a good deck to use in the dark times of the year. You can certainly use it year round, especially when you want to work with the moon. I would also say if you like Stacey DeMarco's decks, you might like this one. On a final note, it turns out the author and artist also have a Queen of the Sun Oracle deck. Based on this one, I will be seeking out the sun deck. 

4 out of 5 stars. 



This kit qualifies for the following 2024 Reading Challenges: 

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