Friday, November 29, 2024

Book Review: The Complete Guide to Keto

Michelle Stacey, The Complete Guide to Keto: the Never Hungry Diet. New York: Centennial Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781951274108.

Genre: cookbooks and health guides
Subgenre: keto 
Format: trade paperback
Source: Eastside Branch, Lexington (KY) Public Library

This is a guide to help readers start doing a keto diet plan. It is geared mostly for beginners seeking to cut out the carbohydrates (carbs) in their food. 

The book is arranged into three major parts: 

  • Part 1: Keto 101. This goes over defining what the keto diet is. It goes over the science available and touts the benefits. It also considers side effects and how to deal with them. 
  • Part 2: Ready, Set, Keto. These are the tools to get you started. This part includes a grocery shopping list, some "cheat" sheets, i.e. advice for substitutes when you crave carbs, and helpful supplements. 
  • Part 3: Cook Keto. This is a selection of recipes. It also includes a 7-day sample meal plan. 

I picked this book up out of curiosity and because I do want to cut back the carbs in my food. This is not an easy plan to follow, but it is not impossible. The challenge I find is avoiding the temptations, but if you ease your way in it can work. 

Though the book cites scientific literature and articles from experts, there are no formal citations. In other words, it may say something along the lines of "Dr. So and So" or "Nutritionist Jane Doe in a recent article claims something" but there is no exact citation to verify. As reader and librarian, I find that to be a key flaw in this book. A works cited page or a bibliography would have enhanced credibility. 

Once you get to the practical parts of the book it gets better. Most of the advice is good. At one point the book does emphasize you can adapt to the plan based on your needs or disposition. As for the recipes, they vary. You get an issue common in recipe books: accessibility of ingredients. There are recipes that require very specific things you may or not find in an ordinary grocery store. For average folks, that can be an issue. 

As a starter book, this is average. Once you get past the theory, which can get a bit long, it gets better. For the recipes, pick out ones you can try with some ease, see how they work for you, and go from there. I liked the book, but I will be reading others to compare and learn more. 

3 out of 5 stars. 

 This book qualifies for the following 2024 Reading Challenge: 



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