Friday, December 20, 2024

Holiday Post 2024: Books and Reading

Welcome to my third post in my holiday series. Today I am looking at books and reading. I will look at some book lists, and see if there are any books I may have read and/or any books I would like to read down the road. If I read a book and reviewed it, I will add a link to the review so you can check it out as well. If I mention a book for my TBR list, I will include a WorldCat link so you can find it in a library near you. I will also add any other stories about reading during the holidays season as I find them. Additionally, as much as I can, I am trying to feature links that are not paywalled, but keep in mind some may go behind a paywall after a certain amount of time. 

My four readers may know by now that, while I read a lot, I do not read a lot of what is on the popular lists out there. I pretty much look around, find what I like, and I read that. So doing this post is also a way for me to see what is out there and to see if there is anything I may have missed that I should consider.

On a final note before we get to the lists, I will note in addition that some books on these lists may be of interest, but if they are published by one of the publishers or their imprints I am currently boycotting then I am not reading them. I am not too concerned about this since there are plenty of independent publishers who are not assholes and publish fine books to read. 

A Christmas tree made out of books, with lights


Big Lists

 This is a small sampling from the big lists everyone mentions during the season.

  •  The New York Times has their list of 100 notable books for 2024. It was accessible when I looked at it, but it may get paywalled at some point, so keep that in mind. List is divided between fiction and nonfiction. I can say I have not read a single work of fiction from their list, and after looking it over, I am not interested in looking for them. A lot of it is the usual mix of literary fiction, which I am not usually interested in, but if it is your thing, you may want to take a look. From the nonfiction titles, I have All the Worst Humans on the TBR list. I also tried to read Chop Fry Watch Learn; I checked it out from the public library, but was not able to get to it so had to return it unread. I may try it again later. Overall, the usual hoity toity kind of books that I often am know about but tend to avoid since they do not interest me, but again, if this is your thing, check it out. 
  • NPR has their list of books they love for 2024. This is an interactive page where you can look at books in different categories. There is some small overlap between this and the NYT list, but there are plenty of unique selections here. From their main list:
  • If you must, here is Amazon's best books list for 2024. The main list has their 20 best, then you can search by categories.

Lists from Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, and other Websites

 These are general lists from various periodicals and websites in no particular order.


Lists by genre

 As stated, some lists by specific genres and fields of interest. In no particular order.

Crime, mystery, and thrillers


Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Speculative

  • Reactor offers an ambitious list: their readers' choice for the most iconic speculative fiction of the 21st century. Out of 500 responses to a poll, they got their list down to 10 books. They also then add some additional titles in various categories as highlights. From their list:
    • I read All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries, Book 1; link to my review).
    • I've also read first three volumes in the Death Note manga series. Here is my review of the first volume. I do hope to read the rest of the series down the road. 
    • I have read the first three volumes of Saga. Find my review of the first two volumes here.
    • I've also read the hardcover trades of The Walking Dead, until the 9th volume where I bailed out. Once I figured out it was mostly soap opera blended with who can be the biggest bully and asshole, I lost interest. 
  •  Literary Hub has a list of th1 17 best in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. 
  • Here is the best science fiction and fantasy from Polygon.



 I have been trying to read horror a bit more recently. It could be just a reading mood, or it could be a reflection of the Hard Times we are living in.

  • CrimeReads has a list of their best horror fiction for the year.
    • From their list, I've read Chuck Tingle's Bury Your Gays, which I mentioned previously.


Some miscellaneous lists for fun

A few other lists on various topics just for fun. Maybe you will find something of interest here.  


Once more, thank you for reading and stopping by. Stay tuned for the final installment on this holiday posts series where I look at "What the heck happened in 2024?" This one will get posted shortly into 2025. In addition, I will be posting my annual list of books read and reading report where I look back at the books I read in 2024. 

In the meantime, have a safe and happy holiday season.

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