Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Review: Titanicus

Dan Abnett, Titanicus. Nottingham, UK: Black Library, 2009. ISBN: 9781844167852.

Genre: science fiction
Subgenre: Warhammer 40,000, military science fiction
Format: paperback
Source: I owned this, weeded out. 

Let's cut to the chase. This just was not very good. On the positive:

  • If you are interested in the Adeptus Mechanicum, there is a lot about them in this book. You learn about how they work in a Forge World and also their different philosophies. 
  • You learn about life in a Forge World. 
  • The Titan war machines. 
The negatives:

  • Overall this book is just way too long for what it offers. 
  • Big reason why it's do damn long is the many superfluous subplots. Abnett tries to give points of view on the ground, but he overdoes it. 
  • There are just too many relatively minor characters who really do little to nothing for the overall plot. They could have easily been left out, and the overall story would have worked well. 
  • Not sure if the author needed to fill up space. The book could have been leaner, better, and shorter. 
Overall, I do not recommend this unless you are a hardcore Abnett fan and/or hardcore fan of the Sabbat Worlds setting. For casual readers, Abnett has better works in Warhammer 40K. Borrow this one if you absolutely must.

2 out of 5 stars, barely.

This book qualifies for the following 2020 Reading Challenges:

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